Events, corporate events, sponsoring.
Just before the end of the year, on 29.12.2018, we met with the colleagues in the ice-hockey centre in Pilsen – Košutka, to skate together.
On the second Advent Saturday, December 9, 2018, we met again, already for the 7th time at a St. Nicholas Day Party which was held for our employees children and took place in the Hotel U Zeleného stromu in Nepomuk.
Our company representatives have on 26th – 29th November 2018 participated in ALL4Pack 2018 fair trade in Paris within the NOVUMM project under the auspices of the Czech Trade agency.
We like to support meaningful projects. For several years we cooperate with Pavel Justich, who, together with the expedition Karibuni KENYA - SOLASIDO CZ, regularly visits Kenya where he helps local people, whether buying basic life equipment or saving local school.
Also in 2018, this year on 25.-27. 9., we participated in FachPack Trade in Nuremberg, in Germany, which is a specific trade focused on packaging materials and technology.
The company KLAUS Timber stood up in strong competition and was ranked the second place in the Vodafone competition „Company of the Year - Pilsen Region Award“.
On Thursday, 02.08.2018, a foreign delegation of 18 representatives of the largest Chinese companies which are active in the field of wood processing, packing industry and logistics, visited the company KLAUS Timber a.s.
On Thursday, 28. 6. 2018, at 9:00 AM, as of the 20th anniversary of company KLAUS Timber establishment, we were honoured to knock, within the ceremony, the cornerstone of Dvorec Production Area.
On June 23, 2018, in our Kladrubce premises, we celebrated KLAUS Timber a.s. 20th anniversary together with more than 900 guests.
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