Events, corporate events, sponsoring.
On Saturday, December 2, 2017, we met again at a St. Nicholas Day Party which took place in the Svejk Restaurant Hall in Nepomuk.
The last January Saturday of the year 2017 was in the light of the 7th Annual KLAUS Timber Ball.
Where else than in the Svejk Restaurant hall could take place on December 4, 2016, already traditional St. Nicholas Day Party, which was organized again for the children of company employees.
On Saturday, October 15, 2016, we met Mr. Ladislav Spacek within the ETIKETA workshop.
Of course, we could not skip the FachPach Trade in Nuremberg, in Germany in 2016, which is focused on packaging materials and technology.
On Saturday, February 13, 2016 the already Sixth Annual KLAUS Timber Ball took place in the Svejk Reception Hall Restaurant in Nepomuk, blew us far in elegant, majestic and charming France.
Among the traditional evens, which makes us just happy, is giving the St. Nicholas Day Party with present giveaway for the children of our employees.
Between September 29 and October 1, 2015, we, already for the third time, participated in the FachPack Trade in Nuremberg, which is focused on packaging materials and technology.
The 5th Annual KLAUS Timber Ball was organized in a spirit of love. No wonder. February 14, 2015 – this was the day, St. Valentine Day.
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