Events, corporate events, sponsoring.
On Saturday, February 9, 2013 the already Third Annual KLAUS Timber Ball took place in the Svejk Reception Hall located in the "U Zeleneho stromu" Restaurant in Nepomuk.
On Saturday, December 1, 2012, our company organized a St. Nicholas Day Party with the traditional present giveaway for the children of our employees, which took place in the Restaurants Svejk Reception Hall in Nepomuk.
This was our first year participating in the packaging-focused FachPack Fair in Nuremberg, Germany, which took place between September 25 and 27, 2012.
On Wednesday, August 1, 2012, we organised a flight over the vicinity of our three locations – Kladrubce, Dvorec, and Drahkov.
On June 19, 2012, the children of the Vrcen Preschool visited company KLAUS Timber.
The participants of General Meeting of the SDP „Association of Woodworking Companies“ were welcomed in our premises on June 1, 2012.
The company KLAUS Timber also sponsored the lumberjack competition Stihl Timbersports, which took place on Saturday, April 24, 2012, in the Nepomuk Square.
On Saturday, February 4, 2012, the already Second Annual KLAUS Timber Ball took place in the Svejk Restaurant at “U Zeleneho stromu” in Nepomuk.
We do not support only the town of Nepomuk. On Friday, September 16, 2011, the Plaza Amphitheatre in Pilsen held a concert of Slovak band Tublatanka.
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