Events, corporate events, sponsoring.
Our company was the main sponsor of the performance of Libuše opera. The performance took place on the 11th of June 2022.
On the 4th June 2022 we held the second Beerfest for our employees. It took place in Dvorec prodution area again.
From January to May 2022 two stores were built in Nepomuk near the BILLA supermarket.
In the beginning of 2022, our co-workers formed a futsal team. 13 players in the field, 3 goalkeepers and Jiří Matoušek as their coach.
Unfortunately due to coronavirus our traditional Christmas party couldn´t take place again this year. At least, on the 22nd of December, we prepared some Christmas presents for our employees.
The participants of General Meeting of the SDP „Association of Woodworking Companies“ were welcomed in KLAUS Timber on November 5, 2021.
This year, from 28th to 30th September, we participated in FachPack Trade in Nuremberg again, which is a specific trade focused on packaging materials and technology.
On Tuesday 24th August 2021 we welcomed visitors from Nová Pec, Šumava in our company.
Due to COVID-19 pandemic we couldn´t hold a traditional Christmas party for our emloyees. So on the 26th June 2021 we held Beerfest instead. It took place in Dvorec prodution area.
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