IPPC certificate

What does IPPC certificate mean? How are products with IPPC certificate treated? Is this certificate really important?

If you look at our range of products - atypical pallets or standard Euro pallets -, you can see IPPC certificate as one of the features of our products.

IPPC means International Plant Protection Convention. This is a treatment of wooden products by heating the product up to 56 °C for 30 minutes in a drying kiln. Thanks to this procedure pests are eliminated. Treated products are marked by IPPC stamps with a specific code. Our pallets are marked with number 058.

IPPC rules and regulations

Rules are written in IPPC/ISPM 15 - International Standards For Phytosanitary Measures No. 15: Regulations of wood packaging material in international trade.

We have to mark products according to article 96 of Regulation (EU) 2016/2031 of the European Parliament and repair products according to article 97 of Regulation (EU) 2016/2031 of the European Parliament, according to article 98, paragraph 1 of Regulation (EU) 2016/2031 of the European Parliament, § 68 paragraph. 1, letter a) 
of Act No. 326/2004 Coll. on medical plant care and amendment of some related Acts, decree No. 6/2020, on the treatment or labeling of wood packaging material, wood or other objects and ISPM. (International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures) Pub. No. 15: Regulation of wood packaging material in international trade, 2018. FA, Rome.

Technological process is controlled every year by ÚKZÚZ and The Customs Administration of the Czech Republic.

IPPC treatment

IPPC treatment helps to prevent impurities and reduce material, energy and technology costs. IPPC treatment of wooden products is made by heating the product up to at least 56 °C for at least 30 minutes in a drying kiln.

There aren´t used any chemical products during the procedure, only thermodynamics is used. Pests are eliminated thanks to IPPC treatment (for example bark beetles).

IPPC mark

Every pallet with IPPC treatment is marked with the IPPC stamp on its central block. The mark needs to be perfectly legible, it has to be framed and it has to contain IPPC index and letters and numbers marking origin country of a pallet and a specific code of the company which has made the IPPC treatment.

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